Sunday 2 October 2016

My first week in Japan

So far during my stay the weather has been really warm. This warmth is a totally new thing for me, considering my home town Ålesund is roughly 25 degrees Celsius colder than Osaka in this moment of writing. Certainly, we also have warm days at home, but they are rare. The biggest difference however, must be the humidity. Whilst a warm day in Ålesund is practically always accompanied, or likely even caused by a strong southern wind, the warm days in Osaka seem to have no wind at all. The feeling is best explained by comparing it to a sauna, everything is hot. The sun is hot, the air is hot, and the water is hot. For the most part, I feel no difference whether I am in the sun or in the shade, it kind of feels like walking submerged in a hot bath of very light water. Additionally, the tap water is so hot that it is probably hotter than the exercise pool at the swimming hall back home. On my first day here I showered without turning on the heater, and although a little colder than my liking, it was totally doable. This is not to say that I miss the weather I left. If I had to pick between a little too warm, and a little too cold, my choice would still be the warmer. Mostly I am just happy that I was able to try some real warmth before fall sets in for real.

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